The members of the Lake Maud Association envision a lake community where recreational users are courteous and responsible to each other and the residents of its shores and an environment where everyone works together for the common good. The purpose of the association is to improve, preserve and secure the natural resources of Lake Maud and to protect the interests of its residents.
Announcements and Upcoming Events
- Saturday April 19,2025 10AM: Adopt-a-Highway Ditch Clean-up (Subject to to change depending on conditions) The Lake Maud Association is responsible for an annual Adopt-a-Highway Ditch Clean-up from the intersection of Co Hwy 15 and Co Hwy 22 to the intersection of Becker Co 22 and Ottertail Co Hwy 20. Meet at TJ’s Bistro Parking lot at 10am. Any help is welcome! The more volunteers the more fun and the faster we get it done